At the age of 15, I received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour; fully dedicating my life to the service of God. Since this time, I have been preaching the Gospel in many countries of the world. There is a burning desire in my heart to see people come to Jesus and fulfill God's mission on Earth.
There are so many different things we can do as Christians. Help the poor and the needy, give financially, encourage, mentor, but there’s a God–shaped vacuum in the heart of each man, which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ.
Currently I call Tanzania Africa my home and have the greatest honor of preaching the Gospel in villages, tribes, cities, schools, and markets. Whether that be at the biggest Gospel crusades or to individuals, I know that I am doing what the Lord calls us all to do.
Mark 16:15
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Let’s stop for the one and believe for the multitudes.